Thursday, December 11, 2008

Obama So Far Not So Good

I Like most black Americans found myself overjoyed and amazed by the reality that we have elected a black man to be the forty-forth president of The United States. Now that a little more than a month has passed since election day, I'm starting to get the sneaky sense that we aren't really headed for change, only more of the same. First came news that Rahm Emanuel the pro-war, openly Zionist Israel supporter and water carrier for the corporate wing of the Democratic National Committee would be Obama's chief of staff. That irritated me, but I was willing to cut the president elect a little slack on his choice because Emanuel is a tough Washington insider who is capable of doing battle with the wing nuts on the right. Then came the news that Robert Gates would remain in his role as Secretary of Defense. Bob Gates though less hawkish than some, and more affable than Donald Rumsfeld is still a right-wing Ronald Reagan style thug with ties to the Iran-Contra scandal. Do I even need to remind you that he is a hold over from the George W. Bush administration? How is this change. The slow simmer that I had been stewing in for the past few weeks boiled over and turned into a four alarm blaze when word came that Obama would tap Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State. Bill Richardson was available, as was Al Gore, and my personal favorite Chuck Hagel, but Hillary gets the gig? This serves as nothing more than a gift to the middle of the road, mealy mouth, centrist democrats who have destroyed this party. Hillary Clinton is a war mongering republican in a democrat pants suit. Where is this progressive, ground breaking president that I voted for? On election night, Barrack Obama said that "change has come to America". It's time to put up or shut up.

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