Monday, May 25, 2009

What Is

Born into a crowded space
that you can’t control,
running from arrows
that you can not see.

Trapped in who
you are
because you
are what you’ve
always been.

Sub-consciously you
search for what
will never be found.

Apathy is a gift,
it numbs and soothes.

Time was once just
an illusion,
but now it’s a
cold reality
that judges and taunts
at every turn.

Darkness is better
than light, it hides
the warts and faults
that consume
and hinder.

But after the
darkness comes
the light,
for better or worse.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Poison

The poison
Maybe deadly,

But it tastes
So sweet,
Like natural

Un-complicated and neat.

Broken bones
can be fixed
but not this.

Now more
than ever
you want
it to change
but it never does.

Hoping to recapture
what never was.

Permanent damage
that you can’t erase,

being eaten by the
dragon you
once chased.

Better off broken
into little pieces
that will consume
all that you used
to be.

Standing frozen
and trapped,

wrapped too tightly
to maintain.

Unfocused outbursts
of darkness and pain.
Regret is useless, empty and cold.
But so is this.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Clipped Wing

Back from
the dead
I rise,

like the phoenix
I am, comfortable
in my own skin.
At Least I wish
I was, but I never
was, comfortable
that is.

I've always been
a lost soul,
but now I'm just

A man with nothing
but space and time
to reflect.

Never really gave
a fuck about
what was coming next.

Maybe should have,
but it's too late now
or maybe not.

Where I go now,
only God knows
and that's better
than me.